Sunday, 19 July 2009

brief feeling of extreme stupity when i forgot how to spell my own surname

hello internet.
I have locked myself out of my other blog somehow so am starting again. For more information on the kind of person who could accidentally block herself from her own blog, watch this space.

(relatively) new stuff:
i am living in manchester. for an accurate approximation of how i feel about this, you will need to mix fear and anxiety together whilst jumping up and down excitedly. fearcitety. fear city. i have not yet found a job but apparently this is normal and i will spend many months in a state of poverty and distress until i get lucky and find a career in, i don't know, waitressing or something.

i am watching a lot of gilmore girls, drinking a lot of coffee and smoking a lot of cigarettes. admittedly, reading Rules of Attraction isn't helping with this.

yesterday i went to a literary festival / book festival / festival of books at St Anne's Square and bumped into Joe and listened to him read then Tom Fletcher read then we all went to the pub which seemed like a pretty good end to the evening except it was the afternoon and my housemates and i were drunk by seven pm. whoops. today we went back and listened to Nick Royle read an excellent story about taxidermy and twitter which was pretty spot on as stories go. everyone in manchester writes. everysoddingperson writes. Fearcitety, etc.

i feel very writery right now, in the sort of way where i haven't written anything in months.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I was at St Ann's Square on Sunday and saw/heard Nick read. His obsession with the macabre makes me smile.

  3. He came to Keele once and read a story about a disturbed Creative Writing teacher with all these bags of salt in his basement. S'creepy. His stories fill me with dread, in a good way!
