Monday, 14 September 2009

bonding over goosebumps books

i got a job! working as a book seller! at waterstones deansgate!

i feel the use of exclamation marks accurately captures my pure unadulterated joy at gaining employment. the shifts do, however, start at seven in the morning. i am not a morning person. everyone i spoke to about it laughed at me, even the lady who called offering me the job. damn.

my housemates and i had drinks with stretch tonight and discussed keele writing. keele writing has a room with lamps and a lineup of guest readers which apparently include carol-ann duffy. as well as a naughty tequila habit from the 'old days' (last year). we are slowly taking over the world. so everybody who lives in travelling distance of keele has to visit when something interesting is happening, ok?

brandon wrote a haiku and i really like it. i wrote it on my wall. am I allowed to quote it? oh well, here goes:

"I want to buy love
on ebay and bury my
worried face in it"

(brandon please don't sue me)

in other news, i am probably in love with David Mitchell.


  1. yeah, you should buy it/borrow it from a library or friend. I haven't read too much of her, but this one was by far my favorite. Since you promoted it, think 'Like Life' will be the next one I read by her. Is that a novel or just a collection of short stories?

  2. never mind. you already told me it was a short story collection. I'm a tard : )

  3. you noob ;)

    I emailed you telling you again, but i think i sent it to no-reply@blogger instead.

    i am also a noob..

  4. i am jealous of your bookstore job. beats being a grocery store cashier with a baseball bat.

    however, seven is so EARLY

  5. "man in his forties living in america"
    i cannot be sure whether that is good or bad

    i am now 23 and from oxford
